
Datacom offers specialised services for industry verticals.

Title Date Summary
Title: Icebreaker Date: 21-Nov-2014 Summary: Icebreaker reduces costs by outsourcing payroll
Title: Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Date: 17-Nov-2014 Summary: Bay of Plenty Polytechnic streamlines with Origen
Title: Mount Sinai College Date: 17-Nov-2014 Summary: Datacom supports learning that never stops
Title: Flooring Brands Date: 01-Nov-2013 Summary: Flooring Brands improves processes through smart payroll
Title: LeasePlan Date: 01-Nov-2013 Summary: LeasePlan saves time and money with payroll solution
Title: SAECOWilson Date: 01-Nov-2013 Summary: SAECOWilson and SEAL Imports ramp up Cloud payroll systems
Title: AA Insurance Date: 01-Sep-2013 Summary: Self-service solution offers high visibility in real time for AA Insurance