We support the process of analysing and processing complex financial transactions, collecting incoming payments and applying to accounts, reconciling bank accounts, meticulous and detailed management of trust accounts and providing management financial reporting, overseen by qualified chartered accountants.
Our experienced customer service and operations managers ensure first-level enquiry support (contact centre) and second tier administration support staff that understand our clients’ businesses.
Operational staff manage workflow within contract service levels and provide document management (scanning and cataloguing).
The Datacom Financial Services team has an excellent service record of providing services and payments accurately and on time.
The Datacom group of companies compliments the Financial Services offering by providing a high level of technical and application support which underpins any client hosting and management of IT environments.
In the Financial Services division, our key strengths are:
- Excellence of execution, and enduring performance
- We make it easy for clients to do business with us
- Seek to apply fresh thinking to our service offerings
- Maintain a high level of interaction and client satisfaction