
Datacom offers specialised services for industry verticals.

Title Date Summary
Title: Consumer NZ Date: 13-Sep-2019 Summary: Payroll System Upgrade
Title: Yellow NZ Date: 13-Aug-2019 Summary: No more system lock down while payroll processes
Title: Scotch College and Presbyterian Ladies' College Date: 09-Jan-2019 Summary: Embedding security into school IT systems - Scotch College and Presbyterian Ladies' College
Title: Barr Burgess & Stewart payroll Date: 21-Dec-2018 Summary: Making payroll hum when a company changes hands - Barr Burgess & Stewart
Title: C3 - Video Surveilance at Port of Tauranga Date: 06-Dec-2018 Summary: Wharfside health and safety practices improved through state-of-the-art video monitoring
Title: Fulton Hogan - Video Surveillance Date: 16-Jul-2018 Summary: Remote monitoring saves nearly $1 million in time and money
Title: Foodstuffs Date: 28-Feb-2018 Summary: A fresh take on logistics
Title: Children’s Teams Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Working together to support vulnerable children
Title: Waimakariri District Council Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Mobile capture enables ‘on the go’ services for Waimakariri District Council
Title: Murray-Darling Basin Authority Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Close collaboration delivers new online presence in rapid time