In security, even your best efforts to protect your business can go wrong. Unless someone checks on a regular basis all your hard work is going to deteriorate over time, leaving gaps in your security framework that expose you to unnecessary risk.
Security flaws are often a result of tasks not being completed, or security strategies not being implemented properly. An extra set of eyes can be a very useful thing. Datacom recommends a continuous assurance program that cycles through a variety of tests every year. That way you can cover all bases with reasonable depth and frequently enough to identify problems before they become incidents. This can be tailored to your particular concerns and risks.
Benefits of working with Datacom include:
- We ask the big questions – what do you need? What have you missed?
- We anonymously compare your company to our other customers to see how your practices compare, particularly within an industry vertical
- One-off assessments before major changes, such as a first assessment or project going live