Educational research into learning styles and learning through collaboration has evolved into more use of technology across the education sector. This use of technology in early childhood, schooling, tertiary institutions, education organisations and government education agencies can deliver improved education outcomes if effectively integrated and managed across all parts of the sector.
With the prevalent use of mobile technology and social networks in the community, these technologies are fast becoming just another learning tool, connecting students, teachers and knowledge experts across different communities, and helping to inspire individual learning.
One of Datacom’s key objectives is to promote and facilitate learning and knowledge sharing through the use of smarter technology across the sector. Our proven and trusted delivery and management of technology across both the public and private sector showcases our ability to deliver value. We do this through innovative solutions and meeting the demanding needs of the education sector.
Datacom is able to service the education sector in the following areas:
- Crafting a 1:1 tailored strategy for incorporating technology into your educational institutes curriculum
- Assessing the current state of technology and plans for a future state, based on best practice
- Incorporating your whole educational institute’s needs, including teachers, students, IT and parents
- Creating shared and learning platforms to maximise collaboration
- Defining security and privacy parameters
- 7 Questions to Ask When Planning a 1:1 Technology Rollout in Your School
- Datacom Queensland Makes Grading, Homework and Communication Easier for St. Andrew’s School
- Gamifying the curriculum
- Six steps for better ICT integration in schools
- Teacher 3.0 – pedagogue of the 21st century