Valuing the vet business

Established in 1955, Veterinary Enterprises is the parent company to 300 staff based in 24 veterinary practices nationwide as well as two stand-alone subsidiaries - GrazCARE Limited and FarmCARE Ltd - which all make valuable contributions to the country’s farming industry.


The Challenge

Having a widely-dispersed and predominantly rurally-based staff made operating a centralised and effective payroll system difficult. After finding their old MYOB system was unable to meet their needs, Veterinary Enterprises sought a cloud-based software product that would be accessible and functional, with a self-service portal that employees could use at any time.

The Datacom Difference

Cost was a big decision in choosing a replacement payroll product and after completing their research, Veterinary Enterprises came to the conclusion that DataPay represented the best value-for-money solution and was the best fit for their requirements.

The Results

Payroll implementations can sometimes be a long-drawn-out process, but because we worked closely with Veterinary Enterprises, timeframes and turnaround times were quick.

In fact, Veterinary Enterprises was impressed with the ease and speed of the changeover. We ran parallel runs of DataPay with MYOB to ensure accuracy, and only three were required before achieving the desired results. Veterinary Enterprises immediately found that DataPay halved their payroll processing time while also making the key metrics of their business easier to see; for example, their ability to track and set KPIs for accrued leave.

"The process has been unobtrusive and the product easy to deal with."

Ben Green, HR Manager, Veterinary Enterprises