Finding the sweet spot

Datacom helps sugarcane growers get the most out of their crops

Sugar Research Australia (SRA) is an industry owned company that funds and undertakes a range of research, development and adoption projects aimed at assisting the country’s sugarcane industry.

SRA required a means of targeting information in an effective and timely fashion to a range of stakeholders. The solution’s implementation had to match the timeline of the next season’s crop.

It was decided that SRA’s Microsoft CRM 2011 platform, based at the company’s headquarters in Indooroopilly, Queensland, should be upgraded to Dynamics CRM 2016.

The CRM upgrade, which included enhancements in hierarchical structure, targeted marketed campaigns, and full UAT and data migrations, was then completed over 12 weeks.

Once the solution’s primary components were implemented, SRA engaged Datacom to provide a means of more effectively managing and activating the complex relationships between stakeholders and the various projects funded through their levies.

Previous Datacom engagements with SRA provided a solution that not only offered a level of future proofing for the company’s digital presence, but also looked contemporary in both delivery and how it supported their existing stakeholder groups.

It also allowed SRA to identify stakeholders, who might coexist across numerous groups throughout the organisation, within a true, single pane view to more effectively target support and information.

As a result, Sugar Research Australia has an improved ability to provide relevant and timely information throughout their market place  while ensuring stakeholders, regardless of industry involvement, receive information as  and when required.

Stakeholder satisfaction has improved and there is a new level of confidence in the organisation’s capacity to provide relevant information.

Datacom understood exactly what was needed “and was able to quickly translate that into a userfriendly system that captures everything we need in the way that we need it.”

Andrea Evers, SRA’s Leader Marketing

While SRA is not sales-focused in the traditional business sense, the reconfigured CRM application offered new potential for co-ordinating individual and multiple stakeholder groups. The resulting efficiency and transparency has significantly improved the flow of information across the organisation.