With its current focus on bladder cancer, so far Pacific Edge has developed three new tests, branded as Cxbladder, that are now commercially available in New Zealand, Australia and the USA.
Pacific Edge has offices in Dunedin, New Zealand, and Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. The company also has a commercial partner in Australia.
The Challenge
While its products and new product development is transformational, Pacific Edge’s payroll system was obsolete, clunky and accessible only by a single office computer. Unable to cope with the company’s expansion and technological needs, a cloud-based system was required, one that would end the time wasted trying to breathe new life into a dying computer and one that would allow staff members to access Pacific Edge’s payroll information and make online leave requests from anywhere, at any time.
The Datacom Difference
Pacific Edge decided Datacom’s EasiPay would not only solve its problems but also the outsourcing of all processing work to experts would free up work time that could be better spent on other matters.
From an initial contact in August 2015, clear communication from both sides ensured its new system, featuring several customer-specific quirks, was operating smoothly within six months. EasiPay now provides the company’s staff with quick access to clear and accurate information while providing managers with a complete picture of individual leave balances.
As a result, its Finance and HR teams have had their workload significantly reduced and it has removed the necessity of spending at least half a day every fortnight on payroll work and answering staff queries.
“The Datacom team has made our transition to their EasiPay system as easy as they possibly could. I was extremely impressed with how well the project was carried out and I have received only positive feedback from our employees since our go-live date.”
Kate Rankin, Chief Financial Officer, Pacific Edge