Wharfside health and safety practices improved through state-of-the-art video monitoring

C3 is one of New Zealand’s leading providers of product handling solutions on wharves and beyond. Its specialist teams work in partnership with a variety of exporters, importers and shipping lines on a range of product lines including log exports at the Port of Tauranga. The company currently process approximately 30,000 logs per day through the port, which is the world’s busiest log marshalling checkpoint. The company leverages a team of expert log scalers who record, track and check each log at each stage of its journey.


The Challenge

Managing the logistics of scaling, marshalling and transporting logs is a complex and critical task for the C3 business at the Port of Tauranga. With many potential hazards associated with working around logs and logging trucks, C3 has experienced  “near- misses” and related health and safety incidents, and as a result are committed to ensuring a strong workplace safety culture is maintained where employees work.

To support this, C3 set up new administrative procedures to encourage workers to report unsafe conditions and practices to supervisors. C3 also installed a state of the art video solution to help site supervisors identify unsafe work practices and develop appropriate training and process improvements. These improvements have then been incorporated into the companies’ health and safety policies and procedures.

The Datacom difference

Datacom was the logical partner for the health and safety project, leading the video solution component with a trusted team of video specialists experienced in video projects. As part of the solution, C3 needed a full field of view of the entire operations, and also the ability to view the working area from all angles.

The team responded to the challenge by installing 360-degree cameras that allow video footage - both live and recorded - to be reviewed with “de-warping” capability.

This allows a supervisor to move throughout the 360-degree image by simply using a mouse to provide a top-down or side-on view of the work area. Specific areas of interest can be viewed without losing the whole picture.

To complement the 360-degree camera coverage within the log scaling area, 4K resolution cameras were installed at the front and rear of a truck bay, providing visibility of truck movements and any wharf incidents that could affect staff safety.

Datacom took great care to design the system ensuring maximum site coverage while keeping costs down by using the minimum number of cameras necessary. 


The new video platform Datacom has allowed C3 supervisors to develop new training and process improvements that have reduced the number of near miss incidents.

C3 now has an improved record of no serious harm injuries since the installation and are proud to have advanced the health and safety of their working environment for staff.

“C3 were looking to improve operations and truck throughput without incident. C3 supervisors now have the ability to quickly review incidents, and continually improve work practises as part of their day-to-day activity. Having Datacom as our partner on this project has provided us with unparalleled industry knowledge along with a local approach that has allowed us to focus on managing change and improving the safety of our people.”

Hugh Stark - GM - Innovation and Technology