IT Management

Datacom delivers IT management services to business.

Title Date Summary
Title: Pernod Ricard Date: 27-Nov-2014 Summary: A trans-Tasman service delivery model
Title: Harbour City Ferries Date: 19-Nov-2014 Summary: ‘Into Tomorrow’ – Harbour City Ferries revamp infrastructure
Title: Southern Cross Health Society Date: 16-Oct-2014 Summary: The business-enabling transformation of Southern Cross
Title: Queensland Theatre Company Date: 11-Sep-2014 Summary: Fast-paced entertainment world requires seamless staff connectivity
Title: Opera Queensland Date: 11-Sep-2014 Summary: Fresh IT system allows OperaQ to focus on business
Title: Crowe Horwath Date: 31-Jul-2014 Summary: Crowe Horwath creates greater agility through IT consolidation
Title: Dell Date: 15-May-2014 Summary: How Dell Uses Odin Service Automation and Managed Support Services from Datacom
Title: Ministry for Primary Industries Date: 27-Nov-2013 Summary: Ministry for Primary Industry migrates for massive benefits
Title: Midlands Health Network Date: 27-Nov-2013 Summary: Midlands Health Network improves care through managed IT service
Title: RSL Care Date: 27-Nov-2013 Summary: RSL Care secures patient data through smart disaster recovery solution