More value to students, less admin for staff
Smart Timetables helps education providers deliver more value to students and keep admin costs down, even as student numbers grow.
It does this by automating the delivery of up-to-date, personalised timetables – enriched with information such as maps, assignment due dates and tutorial reminders – directly into the phone and tablet calendars of students and staff.
It also enables staff to manage their teaching timetables and deal with clashes or other issues straight away. This makes things simpler and easier for them, and helps to reduce their admin burden.
With Smart Timetables, there is no more chaos when rooms change: everyone is notified instantly.
“Historically, our timetabling processes were more designed for the convenience of staff, not students. We are transforming our timetabling to make it truly student-centric, and Smart Timetables is a key part of this. So far we have seen a strong uptake of the solution and have heard nothing but positive feedback from students.”
Graeme Ward – Director of Infrastructure and Assets, Wintec
How does it work?
Most education providers use specialist, proprietary software to plan their class timetables, but it isn’t usually designed to deliver data directly to student devices.
This is where Smart Timetables works its magic.
It extracts information directly from timetabling software, checks it for changes and formats it on Microsoft Azure, and then loads it onto Office 365 – a platform that phones and computers can read natively.
The solution is 100% automated and compatible with all major mobile platforms.
To get started, students and staff simply sync their device’s calendar and email with Office365. No downloads or apps required.

Proven success
Find out how one of New Zealand's leading education providers, AUT, is using Smart Timetables to put the timetabling information students need in their pockets.
More information
For even more detail on Smart Timetables, download a product summary.