At Datacom, we know our customers want highly resilient and geo-diversified server and storage infrastructures so data is protected in case of a disaster. We offer high-bandwidth, low-latency, dual-path network connections between our Orbit and Kapua data centres, based in Auckland and Hamilton. These are available in a number of native layer-2 network protocols, to support most geo-diverse infrastructure requirements.
The service provides high-speed (10 Gbps), low-latency (<5ms round-trip), resilient network connections between the Orbit and Kapua data centres.
The service is suitable for those customers seeking to implement highly-resilient distributed infrastructures using real-time data or computation replication technologies. It is available on request in New Zealand.
Service features include:
- A pure end-to-end native optical solution (no Ethernet encapsulation)
- Based entirely on storage vendor-certified technology, utilising leading edge Ciena 6500 Packet-Optical Transport Platform technology (fully GDPS certified by IBM)
- Meets all SAN connection certification requirements of IBM, EMC, and other storage vendors
- Available in a number of protocols, including Fibre Channel, InfiniBand, FICON and Ethernet