Payroll upgrade supports Partners Life expansion

Partners Life insurance has undergone rapid growth since its inception in 2010. The company currently supports 152 staff, with brokers working throughout New Zealand.

The Challenge

An outdated payroll could not support the company’s unprecedented growth. With limited reporting functionality, poor user friendliness and the manual processing of timesheets, Partners Life sought a system with greater functionality.

The Solution

Datacom Payroll came highly recommended to Partners Life. Since early 2013, we have been collaborating with Partners Life to simplify Human Resources (HR) and payroll activities. Following a rigorous analysis and design process, including the configuration of leave rates and entitlements, payment components, payroll authorisation processes and reporting requirements, Datacom built a payroll/HRIS system using DataPay, DataESS and DataHR.

The solution was demonstrated as part of our two-day training programme, covering all aspects of payroll, ranging from the creation of a new employee through to finalising a payroll and generating reports. The new system makes the viewing, accessing and reporting of employee information straightforward. The DataPay timesheet import functionality expedites the accurate processing of a growing payroll, and the custom report writer built into DataPay allows Partners Life to efficiently create ad-hoc and standard reports. This assists the management of a growing workforce and complex remuneration requirements.

“We received excellent support from Datacom and the implementation process was seamless.”

Allan Hamilton – HR Administration Manager, Partners Life


  • Staff empowerment and better response time in the application and approval of leave requests with ESS
  • Payroll software never needs updating – every time Partners Life accesses cloud-based DataPay, DataESS or DataHR, it accesses the latest version of the software
  • Excel timesheets, which contain data for all employees, are imported in one batch making payroll processing effortless
  • Improved and efficient reporting via the custom report writer and its drag-and-drop functionality
  • Easy access to Datacom support team
  • Using DataHR functionality, employees can record work permit information that assists in updating employment contracts and keeps Partners Life safe from prosecution

The Partnership

A high level of interaction and engagement with Partners Life enabled Datacom to provide a solution that supports expansion. As business continues to grow, Partners Life is well serviced by the DataPay support team for day-to day queries. DataPay, DataESS and DataHR are cloud-based and never date, allowing Partners Life access to the latest features.