Customised payroll solution benefits Chorus

Chorus is New Zealand’s largest fixed line communications infrastructure company. It maintains and builds a network of local telephone exchanges, cabinets, and copper and fibre cables.

Datacom worked alongside Chorus during all phases of the project.

Chorus supplies more than 90 percent of all fixed network connections to retail service providers.

Chorus has approximately 1.8 million lines connecting homes and businesses and is responsible for installing most of the government’s Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) fibre. By June 2014, approximately 261,000 premises and 353,000 end users were within reach of a UFB connection.

The Challenge

Over the past several years the telecommunications industry has undergone significant transformation, including the ongoing rollout of the UFB network and the separation of Chorus from Spark (previously Telecom New Zealand). This separation included a transitional agreement for certain systems and services, which provided Chorus with time to establish its own capabilities. With the agreement ending, Chorus needed to implement its own payroll system, while ensuring minimal disruption to the business. Recognising the reduced risk of outsourcing, Chorus sought a service provider with expertise in payroll solutions.

The Solution

Datacom was chosen as the preferred outsourcing partner because of its pre-existing relationship with Chorus and for our experience and knowledge in payroll solutions. We worked together to deliver a flexible and customised solution that would address the immediate requirements of Chorus’ newly de-merged operations.

Chorus implemented its preferred payroll system and developed end-to-end processes to deliver a fully integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution. 

Datacom worked alongside Chorus during all phases of the project to support the migration, validation and testing of the new payroll system and processes. Datacom now operates an 8.30am to 5.30pm support service for the fortnightly payroll. Now transitioned, Chorus continues to pay all of its employees accurately and reliably and without interruption.

“The Datacom team has become an integral part of Chorus, providing the payroll knowledge and response times of someone sitting in-house.”

Rayleen Tuffery – ERP Specialist HR, Chorus


  • Seamless transition from Sparks’ payroll system to Chorus’ own payroll system operated by Datacom
  • The solution allows Chorus to take full advantage of specialised outsourced payroll resources while retaining full control of its data and processes
  • The turnaround and response times that Datacom provides ensure Chorus’ data is accurate and up-to-date
  • Ease of communication between the human resources and payroll teams allows Chorus to provide a high standard of service to employees for any pay-related queries

Technologies delivered

  • The payroll platform used is SAP
  • Datacom (ITM) is providing Chorus with infrastructure and network support, including application development, support and services

The Partnership

Datacom became a key part of the Chorus project team from the outset by being involved in the design, build, testing and implementation phases of the project. Our ability to offer a flexible solution ensured we designed a service that would work for Chorus. Our strong collaboration built trust and a real sense of working together to achieve a common goal.