
Datacom offers specialised services for industry verticals.

Title Date Summary
Title: Waimakariri District Council Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Mobile capture enables ‘on the go’ services for Waimakariri District Council
Title: Murray-Darling Basin Authority Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Close collaboration delivers new online presence in rapid time
Title: Border Express Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Improving logistics with Tempo
Title: NZ Cricket Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Moving its IT into the 21st Century
Title: Barker College Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Big data in education
Title: Flexible Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Instant data streamlines work in the field and HQ
Title: Victoria’s Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Date: 12-Feb-2018 Summary: Getting the right information to fight fires
Title: Datascape Date: 05-Feb-2018 Summary: Datacom’s vision for smart communities
Title: HackAssist Date: 05-Feb-2018 Summary: Leveraging Datacom’s hackathon pedigree
Title: HoloLens and Pearson Date: 05-Feb-2018 Summary: Bringing mixed reality to immersive education