
Datacom delivers innovative, creative software services for business.

Title Date Summary
Title: Counties Power Date: 13-Dec-2019 Summary: Datacom and Counties Power give the power back to New Zealanders
Title: Environment Canterbury (ECan) Date: 13-Dec-2019 Summary: Clean data for clean water – how Datacom is helping to leave an environmental legacy for the next generation
Title: Gore District Council Date: 01-Aug-2019 Summary: Connecting New Zealand councils and the public
Title: Murray Darling Basin Authority Barmah Choke API Date: 05-Sep-2018 Summary: Serverless water trading - Murray Darling Basin Authority Barmah Choke API
Title: Kensington Swan Date: 13-Jul-2018 Summary: Helping legal collaboration and communication
Title: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Date: 17-Apr-2018 Summary: MBIE API Platform - Faster, easier access to information
Title: Environmental Protection Authority Date: 13-Feb-2017 Summary: On track with the Environmental Protection Authority
Title: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Date: 13-Feb-2017 Summary: IDme - protecting New Zealand
Title: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Date: 10-Feb-2017 Summary: Managing burn-offs to protect the community
Title: Victorian Government - DELWP Date: 10-Feb-2017 Summary: Developing water systems with crystal clear visibility