Toll New Zealand moves more with Tempo

Toll NZ, one of the country’s largest domestic freight-forwarders, is part of the Japan Post-owned Toll Group, a global freight movement and management business. They offer end-to-end transport services and logistics solutions with eight businesses and around 600 vehicles spread throughout New Zealand.

The Challenge

Toll NZ was utilising both internally developed and Datacom-supplied applications that ran on a Windows Mobile operating system that was fast approaching its end of life. It needed a clear and easy way to shift to a new solution, offering a much wider range of configurability and hardware options. This would allow more appropriate cost options for its staff working in high-volume scanning areas, as well as for contractors who only require a few deliveries per day, more appropriate cost options. Toll’s continued use of Windows legacy equipment also meant this new system would have to run in parallel.

The Datacom Difference

Having predicted the approaching change in market need, Datacom has been investing in new tools and the development of a new mobile application platform, Tempo. 

Tempo is a Datacom developed product that provides customers freight tracking and visibility through the mobile applicaton and web-based dispatch and tracking systems. It also allows customers to make significant changes to their business processes via configurations that they can change viat the mangement console.

Right from the start, Datacom engaged with Toll management and operational staff to identify the key concepts that would work for their specific requirements. 

One of the requirements was that Tempo could run on anything from a $99 consumer phone to a rugged $2,000 unit with scanning capability. Tempo is the Datacom Industrial Mobility’s solution to this anticipated shift – changing from costly applications tailored to each customer’s needs, to a Platform as a Service – to enable easy configuration of a standard set of processes.


One of Toll’s key drivers is the ability to make as much as possible configurable by operational staff, allowing non-code changes to be deployed instantly. This enables Toll to adapt how they do business constantly, in order to meet an ever-changing market and satisfy new customer needs. 

The initial pilot has been configured in exactly the same way as their current system, providing for an easy transition from one to the other. From there, Toll can make substantial changes to their processes code free, saving tens of thousands of dollars in development costs.

“Datacom committed to move us to Tempo as part of our current contract so we were heavily involved in the design of key parts of the product. This allowed us to have confidence in the move and the effect it would have on our business. The drivers are ecstatic about the performance of the new Android OS end product.”

Anthony Barrett, General Manager IT, Toll New Zealand