The Parliamentary Service changes for good

The Parliamentary Service serves Members of Parliament and the House of Representatives and supports service provision to about 100 remote local offices.

Michael Middlemiss, CIO of The Parliamentary Service

The Challenge

The relationship began when Datacom secured the contract to provide a range of services in 2010. Following the successful transition to a shared services model, The Parliamentary Service wanted to refresh the commercial arrangements jointly with Datacom. It also wanted the KPI delivery model to reflect the changed requirements for the new network.

The Solution

Together, Datacom and The Parliamentary Service delivered an outcome-based delivery model with refreshed KPIs. The collaborative effort has achieved a number of significant improvements including a reduction in incidents and successful implementation of measurable KPIs, culminating in substantial growth in client satisfaction levels.

“Datacom’s flexible and open approach has resulted in a service environment that is much more focused on our client needs, and getting it right first time.”

Michael Middlemiss – CIO, The Parliamentary Service