The NZ Blood Service's Fiona Ritsma says Datacom were fully committed to the project.
The Challenge
New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) was running its core application, Progesa – which traces all blood collection, processing, testing and distribution in New Zealand – on outdated software. This impacted support and opportunities for new functionality.
The Solution
Working with European-based software vendor, MAK-System, Datacom designed and implemented a sophisticated infrastructure model to enable access from District Health Boards around New Zealand. Today, NZBS is live with the latest version of eProgesa based on a full web technology. As part of the upgrade project NZBS migrated separate donor databases into one nationwide donor database providing a better view of inventory and donors. Despite the inevitable challenges – in particular working with an off-shore vendor – we got what was needed and delivered on budget and in time.
“Datacom’s willingness to fully commit to the project and their responsiveness to our enquiries and requests were key contributors to the success of our project and the achievement of our go-live date.”
Fiona Ritsma – Chief Executive, NZ Blood Service