The Challenge
NHMRC’s existing desktop infrastructure was aging and running on an outdated operating system. Modernisation of the desktop fleet was needed to provide better mobility and updated collaboration tools based on a Windows 10 Standard Operating Environment (SOE). With support for Windows 7 soon to expire, the Windows 10 SOE also needed to support NHMRC’s Flexible Working Arrangements Policy and modernise the workplace environment.
The Solution
NHMRC asked for a rapid deployment process with rollout to begin within three months of starting the project. Datacom’s extensive experience managing public-sector organisational risk meant a strong emphasis on careful project management through the seven-month period. This covered SOE design and desktop fleet deployment.
Each NHMRC staff member across both Canberra and Melbourne sites were provided with new Microsoft Surface devices, allowing the existing desktop fleet to be decommissioned.
Datacom also helped NHMRC embrace a modern workplace environment by implementing Wi-Fi across all offices and “Always On” VPN to provide comprehensive automatic connectivity.
Upgrading NHMRC to the latest Microsoft Windows 10 release has also enabled NHMRC to comply with the protective security controls mandated by the Australia Signals Directorate’s Top 4 security strategies for Australian government agencies.
This project ran so smoothly that Datacom was able to roll out a critical business unit months ahead of schedule, so NHMRC could take advantage of the new mobile capability both onsite and remotely.
A close working relationship between the teams ensured a smooth transition, business continuity, and a future-proofed environment to refresh and enhance NHMRC’s desktop fleet, allowing for new efficiencies and business practices.
"We would like to congratulate Datacom on the quality and delivery of this project. The Datacom team went above and beyond, and we received a lot of very positive feedback from staff across NHMRC about the Project team, as well as the product. Thank you again for delivering a very successful project, resulting in a great business productivity outcome for the NHMRC."
Sue Bone, Chief Technology Officer NHMRC