Ministry for Primary Industries overhauls its contact centre services

Kei te whakahou te Manatū Ahu Matua i ana ratonga whakapapa. I hangaia te Manatū Ahu Matua (MPI) whai muri i te whakakotahitanga o Manatū Ahuwhenua, Ngāherehere ki te Manatū Hao Ika me te Rōpū Haumaru Kai. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) was created following the amalgamation of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Fisheries, and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority.

Datacom began working with MPI during the first half of 2013.

Te Wero / The Challenge

Ko te whāinga o te MPI kia whakatupu kia whakaruruhau i a Aotearoa ma te whakanui ake o ngā huarahi tauhokohoko mo te rōpū ahu matua, ma te whakapai ake i te putanga o ngā hua, ma te whakapiki ake i te mahinga o ngā rawa e kore e whakapau wawe.

He nui ngā wero i te hanumitanga o ēnei rōpū e toru me te hiahia o te MPI ki te whakahou i tō rātou pānga ki ngā kaiutu ma te whakamāmā i tā rātou tukanga kia kotahi te wāhi hai whakapā atu me te tika o te whēako ki reira.

I hiahia te MPI ki te whakakaha i ana hononga ki ōna hoa, ki te whakapai ake hoki i te whēako mo te hunga e whakapā atu ai ki tā rātou ratonga whakautu patapatai. Ia marama, ia marama 3,500 ki te 4,000 te maha ine waenga o ngā pātai ka whakautua e te tari whakautu patapatai; koia tētahi wāhanga o te mahi e meingatia ana e te manatū, me whakapai ake.

I rapu hoa te MPI kei taua hoa te mōhio tiketike a hāngarau i runga i te utu tika, ka ahei hoki ki te whakakapi i ngā rohe maha, ma te tukuna o ngā ratonga i ngā wā katoa.


MPI’s vision is clear: to grow and protect New Zealand by maximising export opportunities for the primary industries, improving sector productivity, increasing sustainable resource use, and protecting New Zealand from biological risk.

Bringing three agencies together brought some significant challenges as MPI sought to upscale its customer service through streamlining its process to one single point of contact, providing a consistent experience. MPI wanted to build stronger relationships with its partners and improve the experience of those using its General Enquiries service. On average the General Enquiries channel handles 3500 to 4000 calls per month; this was one key area the ministry had targeted for improvement.

MPI sought a partner that could offer a high level of technical expertise cost effectively, and operate across multiple locations with 24/7 service delivery.

Te Rongoā / The Solution

Na te mārama mōhio o ngā ratonga i āta tirohia e MPI ki ngā hiahia tuku ratonga a te Manatū, me tō rātou mana i te mākete, te tohungatanga hāngarau, te pānga ki ngā rohe maha, te anga o te utu me te anga whakahaere kaimahi. Ko Datacom te rōpū matatau ake. I te tau 2013 koia te timatanga o te mahi tahi i waenga i a Datacom me MPI. I runga i te ratonga a Datacom e kīa nei ko “reo anake”, i kauparehia ngā pātai a waea ki a MPI, atu i tā rātou nama 0800 o naianei ki te atamira waea a Datacom ko ININ tera. Kātahi ka riro ma o mātou tāngata i Poneke ngā patapatai hai whakautu. Tino puukenga ngā tāngata kei o matou whare whakapā ki te whakautu pātai, ka tere whai whakautu kātahi ano rātou ka whakahoki mōhiohio ki ngā kaimahi o MPI ki hea rānei.

I tukua wawetia otirā i te wā o naianei te ratonga nei ki ngā kaiutu i te timata o Hune 2013, ka wātea ki a rātou i ngā wā e puare ana ngā pakihi. Ka whakaroa i te ratonga 24 haora ia rā, e 7 ngā rā o te wiki…i te wā i tū ai a Datacom Connect ki te whakahaere i ngā ratonga hai whakakore i ngā rauropi orotā, i ngā māuiuitanga hoki i te marama o Maehe 2014. Te tikanga o tēnei ratonga he whakakipakipa i te iwi whānui me ngā tohunga tū mahi ki te karanga mai i a rātou whakapae e pā ana ki tētahi kararehe, ngāngara, otaota, rauropi orotā o te moana, māuiuitanga rānei. 

He pai ake te whakahokihoki kōrero a Datacom ki a MPI mo ngā hua urupare a ngā kaiutu ā i whai wāhi hoki ki te whakaritenga o tētahi pūtea mōhiotanga na ngā kaiutu i whakatupu.


MPI evaluated providers on their ability to understand the Ministry’s service requirements, plus their reputation in the market, technical expertise, multiple-site organisation, cost structure, and management personnel structure. Datacom Connect came out on top. Datacom began working with MPI during the first half of 2013. As part of the voice-only service delivered by Datacom, all MPI general enquiries phone calls are routed from its existing 0800 telco provider into Datacom Connect’s Interactive Intelligence (ININ) telephony platform. The calls are then handled by our Wellington team of agents. Trained contact centre professionals handle calls, quickly triage them and route them back to MPI individuals or directorates as appropriate.

The service went “live” to callers in early June 2013, at first accessible only during business hours. This was extended to a 24/7 service when Datacom Connect also took over the provision of MPI’s Exotic Pest and Disease service in March 2014. This service enables members of the public and industry experts to report anything suspicious relating to animal, insect, plant or marine pests or diseases.

Datacom offered MPI better reporting about customer feedback, and had input into maintaining the currency of a client developed, shared knowledge base.

“Tino mōhio a Datacom ki ō mātou hiahia ā kua tere huri rātou ki te āwhina i ā mātou mahere, ngā huringa, ngā whakaniko e pīrangi ana ki te whakamahi.” - Tim Grace, kaikautū ratonga kaiutu MPI

“Datacom ranked highly in understanding our requirements, and have been responsive to any plans, changes or enhancements we looked to implement. The General Enquiries service has been excellent and has met agreed SLAs.” - Tim Grace, Team Leader, MPI Customer Enquiries

Otinga / Results

  • He pai ake ngā tikanga tirotiro ki ngā mahi a te whare whakapā. 80 paihēneti o ngā karanga waea i whakautua i te 20 hēkona.
  • He ratonga tāwariwari, he mauritau te wā kia whakautua ngā pātai i ngā wā taimaha, me te whakaritenga o te ratonga wā poto mo te 24 haora i mua atu i te whakaritenga ōkawa o tētahi ratonga pērā.
  • He pai ake ngā whēako o ngā kaiutu me te whakaitinga ake o ngā karanga wāea ka ngaro ma reira ka ruarua ngā amuamu.
  • Ko te arotahi o MPI kia ū tonu ki te taumata tiketike o ngā ratonga ki ngā kaiutu i te wā tonu e tūhura ana i ngā huarahi kia poto ake te wā mo ngā whakaritenga waea.
  • Improved performance reporting aimed at providing a better, more accurate view of the contact centre. This includes 80% of calls answered within 20 seconds
  • Flexible service and effective response time during a crisis, including setup of a temporary 24/7 service prior to the contact centre becoming officially an around-the-clock service
  • Improved customer experience through a reduction in misdirected calls, which in turn has led to fewer complaints
  • MPI’s focus has been on continuing to provide high levels of customer service while exploring new ways to lower average call handling times

Nga Hāngarau i Tukua / Technologies delivered

  • Te pūtaketanga hāngarau a te MPI
  • Datacom ININ rongoā waea.
  • MPI’s own Excel-based knowledgebase
  • Datacom ININ telephony solution

Te Hononga / The Partnership

I ahei a Datacom ki te whakarite i tētahi hononga whai hua me te tautoko kōataata hoki ma te whakaaturanga o tō rātou tere, o tō rātou mauritau mo te taha ki te wā hai whakautu pātai. Na te arotahi o Datacom ki ngā kaupapa whakawhiti kōrero i whiwhi a MPI i tā rātou e pai ai arā ko ngā mohiotanga me ngā tikanga tāwariwari hai whai. E hiahia ana a MPI ki te tautoko i te kaupapa kia hoatu ki o rātou whare whakapā katoa ko ngā rawa me ngā rauemi kia mauritau te mahi. I tautokohia taua hiahia e te whakatūranga o te rōpū whakautu patapatai a ngā kaiutu o MPI. He rōpū taumata tuarua tērā i raro i te whare whakapaa. Ko ēnei rōpū e rua kei te mahi ngātahi ki te whakarato tautoko ki ngā kaiutu. Te whāinga ngātahi he whakangohengohe i te tukanga mo te tiaki i ngā kaiutu koia te mea nui, āpiti atu kia māmā te rerenga o ngā kōrero i waenga i ngā rōpū.


Datacom offered MPI an open and supportive relationship by demonstrating quick and efficient response times. Datacom’s communications focus allowed MPI to have accurate information where possible and be flexible to changes as the situation required. MPI was keen to be involved in ensuring the contact centre was equipped with the correct levels of knowledge and understanding, and the contact centre was supported through the establishment of an MPI Customer Enquiries Team. This team was a second-tier support to the contact centre. These two teams provide a seamless service in the way they supported the customer. The shared aim is to ensure that if an enquiry needs to be passed between organisations, it is done in such a seamless way the customer will not be able to tell.