Ministry mitigates risk and modernises

Ko te whāinga o te Manatū Taiao he tiaki i te taiao mo te oranga o Aotearoa. Ko te Manatū te kaitohutohu matua o te Kāwanatanga mo te taiao o Aotearoa me ngā take o te ao e pā ana ki te taiao. The Ministry for the Environment’s mission is environmental stewardship for a prosperous New Zealand. The Ministry is the Government’s principal advisor on the environment in New Zealand and on international matters that affect the environment.

Kāhore te Manatū Taiao e whai wāhi ana ki ngā whakahaere a taiao o ia rā. Ko te arotahi kē he whakarato i ngā pūnaha whakahaere taiao, ngā ture, ngā tikanga me ngā paerewa taiao a motu: te aronga a motu ma ngā tauākī kaupapa here a motu me ngā rautaki; ko ngā aratohu me ngā akoranga tika: me ngā mōhiohio mo te oranga o te taiao.

The Ministry for the Environment is not involved in day-to-day core services. The focus is on providing environmental management systems, including laws, regulations and national environmental standards; national direction through national policy statements and strategies; guidance and training on best practice; and information about the health of the environment.

Te Wero / The Challenge

I whai te Manatū Taiao i tā rātou tauira “pupuri me te whakahaere” mo te taha ki te hāngarau mōhiohio. He nui ngā wero i roto i tērā tauira mahi, ko ngā pūkenga whānui mo te hāngarau i pīrangitia, ehara kē ko ngā puukenga whāiti. No konā, ko ētahi āhuatanga o te mahi whakahaere hāngarau a te Manatū i rarua ā i aro kē ngā kaimahi ki te taiao whakahaere hāngarau, kīhai i whakaarohia me pēhea e whakamahi ai ngā hāngarau kia tutuki pai ngā wawata o te tari. I taua wā hoki kua kaumātua haere ngā taputapu ko te hiahia me whakahou i ngā hāngarau.

Aapiti atu, i te Whare Taiao i Pōneke ngā mīhini whakahaere rorohiko, i konā ka āwangawangatia kei whati te orangatonutanga o ngā tukanga pakihi a te Manatū na te takotoranga o ngā rawa pērā i te wāhi kotahi.

Na runga i ērā uauatanga, he wero anō te manaakitanga o ngā taputapu hāngarau me te uaua hoki ki te whakapā atu ki ngā kaupapa aituā ki te roanga atu hoki o ngā take pakihi a te Manatū nei.


The Ministry for the Environment had an ‘owned and operated’ service delivery model for its information technology. This model created a number of challenges, as the IT team required a large range of generalist IT skills, rather than specialist skills. This created single points of failure for specific aspects of the management of the Ministry’s IT, and staff were focused on the running of the IT environment rather than on how IT could better enable the Ministry to achieve. The Ministry also had old, outdated equipment and was in need of a refresh of its technology.

Additionally, all the servers were located in Environment House in Wellington, which meant the Ministry carried a high degree of business risk with regards to business continuity.

This not only created challenges with ongoing maintenance and support, but also restrained any disaster recovery and business continuity for the Ministry.

Te Rongoā / The Solution

Na te rautaki hāngarau me te mahere mahi a te Kāwanatanga 2017, i taea e Toitū te Whenua me Datacom te whakapā atu ki te Manatū Taiao ki te whakahāngai, ki te hanumi i ā rātou ake tauira ratonga.

Ko tētahi wāhanga o te huarahi hai whakahāngai i te tauira hāngarau tuku ratonga ki a Toitū te Whenua, ko te mahi tahi a Datacom ki te Manatū Taiao kia whai wāhi te Manatū ki ngā ratonga a Datacom mo te atamira a te Kāwanatanga. Inaianei he orite te hōpua rauemi o ngā mīhini 70+ i konā kua kaha ake te ahei ki te whakahaere rauemi, ki te ārai hoki i ngā momo whati tata pakihi a te Manatū Taiao.

Kua whakawhitiwhiti a Datacom me te Manatū Taiao i ā rāua ratonga mahi, i ā rāua ratonga whakahaere taputapu i te hauwha tuatahi o te tau 2014. Na to rāua pēnā i taea e te Manatū ana ratonga hāngarau te whakakotahi kia kite me pehea te hāngarau e tautoko, e whakakaha i te rōpū whānui. I whakatakotoria e Datacom he huarahi hei whai mō ngā mahi me ngā pakihi kei te haramai.

Kua kaha ake te Manatū ki te whakamahi i ngā mea hāngarau, he whānui ake tā rātou titiro me tō rātou pānga ki ngā hōpua rauemi. Hāunga anō te titiro ki ngā whakahaeretanga whānui o te hāngarau, kei te wātea kē te Manatū Taiao ki te whakarite me pēhea rātou e whakamahi i ngā taputapu hāngarau kia whai i tā rātou e pai ai.


In alignment with New Zealand Government’s ICT Strategy and Action Plan to 2017, Land Information New Zealand and Datacom were able to extend their partnership into the Ministry for the Environment to align and integrate their respective IT service delivery models.

As part of the transition of the Ministry’s IT service delivery model to align with Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), Datacom worked with the Ministry for the Environment to relocate its applications to Datacom’s Cloud Services for Government platform.

The 70+ virtual machines now share a common resource pool allowing for greater resource and capacity management and addressed the Ministry’s business continuity risk.

Datacom and the Ministry transitioned all production support services and infrastructure management services in the first quarter of 2014. This meant the Ministry could consolidate IT services and re-focus on how IT supports and enables the wider organisation. Datacom provided a roadmap for future initiatives and business enablement, and took the first steps on that journey by providing a proof of concept for Desktop as a Service.

The Ministry now has a more dynamic IT environment, giving them greater flexibility, as well as access to additional resource pools. Rather than focusing on its IT infrastructure, the Ministry is now free to spend more time focusing on how IT can help enable the Ministry achieve its outcomes.

“Ko te pūtake o te angitū mo te huringa mauritau o te Manatū, ko te whakaroanga o te hononga mai Toitū te Whenua me Datacom. No te timatanga tonu o te hononga kua whakaaturia e Datacom to rātou hiahia ki te mahi tahi i te taha o te Manatū, hāunga anō te whakahaeretanga o tā tātou taiao hāngarau. Kua whakapau kaha a Datacom me a rātou tohutohu tirotiro rautaki kia whakahou te Manatū i te āhua o ngā ratonga ka tukua. Kua piripono rātou ki te hiranga o tō rātou tūranga kia kōkiri ai te huringa ā pakihi, ā hāngarau o tēnei Manatū.” “The key to the success of the transition has been that Land Information New Zealand and Datacom were able to extend their partnership relationship into the Ministry. Aside from just managing our IT environment, Datacom have contributed valuable time and strategic advice about how the Ministry can transform the way IT services are provided. They have taken their role in this partnership very seriously and this value-add has enabled us to make some real progress in what is a substantive business transformation for the Ministry.”

Neil Hurley - ICE and PMO Directorate, Ministry for the Environment

Ngā Otinga / Results

  • He hōhonu ake – horekau he ngoikoretanga nui kei te
  • E ahei ana te Manatū ki te hāpai i ngā ratonga a Datacom me LINZ pērā i te tēpu tuku ratonga, te tautoko taputapu whānui me ngā ratonga rorohiko.
  • I tukua he atamira hou, he pourewa ka taea te piki.
  • He pai te utu nō te mea i tukua kētia e Datacom ēnei
    ratonga ki a LINZ.
  • I tutuki te porohanga tuatahi o te mahi kia whakaitingia tetahi k no a hāngarau kei haukotingia ngā mahi pakihi me ngā tikan a whakahaere.
  • Provided more depth – there are no single points of failure
  • Enabled the Ministry to leverage services delivered by Datacom to LINZ such as service desk, infrastructure support and desktop services
  • Delivered a modern, scalable platform
  • Cost effective service because Datacom was already providing these services to LINZ
  • Delivered on first steps of reducing IT business risk – business continuity, security, and operational management

Nga Hāngarau i Tukua / Technologies delivered

  • He anga whānui hai ratonga e hautū ana i te kapua a Datacom.
  • He tauira kei te taupokina ngā taha katoa mai te tēpu tuku ratonga ki te tautoko a rorohiko me te tautoko o ngā āhuatanga o te anga nui.
  • I tēnei wā kei te whakarato i ngā korero whai hua mo te whakaritenga o tētahi ratonga mata tēpu ki te Manatū.
  • Infrastructure as a Service hosted in the Datacom cloud
  • End-to-end IT service management model including service desk, desktop support and infrastructure support
  • Currently providing a proof of concept for a Desktop as a Service solution for the Ministry

Te Hononga / The Partnership

I mua atu i te urunga ki te hōtaka nei, i kaha kē te hononga i waenganui i a Datacom me LINZ. Kua kaha whakaae te Manatū Taiao ki te wairua o taua piringa. No konā kua māmā te huringa o ngā ratonga. Ko te hononga nei kua whakatupuria e Datacom, LINZ me te Manatū e whakaatu ana i te hanga ngāwari o Datacom kia whakaroa te kirimana a LINZ ki tētahi atu rōpū kia whai hua te katoa. Na tōna tūranga hai kaitohutohu piripono kua titiro atu a Datacom ki ngā mahi huri noa ngā āhuatanga hāngarau a te Manatū ā kua mahi i a rātou mahi i raro i te mana o te Manatū Taiao ki ngā hōtaka i waho o ā tātou ratonga matua.


Before going into this project, Datacom and LINZ had a strong existing partnership. The intent and spirit of that partnership has been wholeheartedly accepted by the Ministry for the Environment. This enabled a seamless transition of services. The relationship that Datacom, LINZ and the Ministry have developed demonstrates Datacom’s flexibility in allowing and enabling the LINZ contract to be extended to another party when it is in the best interests of all. As a trusted advisor Datacom has looked for efficiencies across all the Ministry’s IT and has acted on the Ministry’s behalf on projects outside of our core services.