Our inaugural Datacom Local Government conference took place in February, but we’ve been working with local governments for years. Councils across New Zealand and Australia choose us because we understand the challenges the sector faces.
Many of our solutions are specifically tailored to Local Government, so they can be rolled out with minimal time and effort.
Take Lockyer Valley Regional Council, for example. When the council set out to replace its website, it discovered that Datacom’s Sphere was the perfect fit. Read the full case study here.
But sometimes councils have their own unique challenges. In 2010, Auckland Council was formed after the amalgamation of eight separate councils in the region. That meant the Council had to pull together 15 different city design guides into one streamlined, digital manual.
This was a less common business challenge, so the Auckland Design Manual needed a custom solution. Here’s how we did it.
But we’ve got a lot more in our local government toolkit. Take our Enterprise Resource Planning system, Ozone, or our extended suite of Sphere products, which includes intranets, online services and mobile capture.
Many of our non-council services can also be easily applied to local governments across Australia and New Zealand. For example we run an exceptional payroll service and our local data centres are built to world-class specifications to ensure customers can move to the cloud with confidence.
Products that were originally developed for Local Government can often be applied to other entities – Ozone has been implemented at Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, and Sphere products are now in use at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
For more information on Datacom’s local government services, click the contact button below and we’ll be in touch.