The digital transformation of today’s organisations is akin to their predecessors factoring electricity into formerly steam-driven processes and business strategies 100 years ago. It requires new ways of thinking about how organisations, industries and markets operate, or could operate, in a world where technology-based change is disruptive, constant and accelerating.
Datacom has 50 years of experience in focusing on what really matters to its customers, and helping organisations of all shapes and sizes make smart technological decisions and implement the business innovations that work best for them.
Time and time again, we have found that the single most important factor in the long-term success of a digital transformation project is the people within the organisation. They operationalise the new technologies and processes; the enhanced customer experience. They need to adopt, embody and express the new mindset that accepts and embraces the new world of constant, or at least hastened, change.
This means that, when considering or executing digital transformation, you should focus on your people first and foremost.
A new white paper, from the Datacom Digital, Customers and Collaboration team, examines the implications of this and provides guidance on how to do it. It focuses on four people-related areas – recruitment, leadership, change management and culture – and is available free for download here.
If you have any questions about this white paper, feel free to contact us at .