Datacom today announces that its new data centre in Hamilton is open for business one month ahead of the scheduled completion date.

Located in Hamilton, New Zealand, ‘Kapua’, a Tier-3+ data centre, is designed and purpose built to meet the exacting requirements of both significant commercial and government organisations.

The new centre covers 11,000 square metres of land and has capacity to house 900 racks across 5 data floors with room for further expansion.

Steve Matheson Datacom, COO, said “Kapua builds on the experience of the Orbit data centre in Auckland which has been received very enthusiastically.

Kapua is even better, it’s larger, the systems have even more resilience and redundancy, it’s physically more secure, and it will better an already impressive energy efficiency (PUE) being achieved at Orbit. We’re proud to be making this significant investment in key and core infrastructure for NZ that will provide wide leverage.”

Both Orbit and Kapua meet the stringent requirements of the NZ government and the centre will achieve better than Tier-3 availability.

Datacom have named the centre Kapua, the Maori word for cloud and have set out to build the best environment to house IT systems in New Zealand.

The new Kapua centre, when paired with the Orbit centre strategically separated by 125km, provides an ideal environment to house any critical IT equipment, allowing for real-time back-up.

Kapua is open to all customers, vendors, and telco’s in NZ and Datacom places no restriction on how the various customers connect to each other.

“Unlike many other centres we provide and manage the cross connects on a cost recovery basis.  At the Orbit centre we’re starting to see a network effect between customers.

We expect and will be encouraging the same to occur at Kapua and as the numbers of customers and vendors with equipment and services housed in the centres grow this will only increase, providing further flexibility and economies to all involved, “says Matheson.

All the major telco’s already have their redundant fibre up and running at the centre.   

Datacom’s cloud services, with commercial product DCS is already operational with the government specific DCS for Government soon to be, these services are very conveniently available to customers of the centre.
Customer interest in the centre is keen and Datacom have today committed the project to build the first planned expansion with further announcements pending.