Datacom and Regional Software Holdings Ltd (RSHL) today announced that they have developed a tailored software solution called Integrated Regional Information Systems (IRIS).

IRIS is a software system designed to manage core Regional Council functions, including the regulatory areas of consents, compliance, biosecurity and enforcement.

Datacom worked collaboratively with a group of six regional councils across New Zealand to develop a custom-built software solution aimed at providing a central point of control for a previously disconnected set of information needs.

Datacom’s New Zealand CEO, Greg Davidson, said, “We are proud of this joint achievement in delivering this highly strategic local government project that defines our vision, showcases our expert sector knowledge, and signals the potential of this collaborative approach.”

“We are getting the business benefits we expected and real synergies. The six councils achieved more together than each of them could have on their own, and individually it cost each of them less than they would have paid had they done it on their own,” said RSHL general manager Derek Postlewaight. “The IRIS application supports our business well.”

IRIS is a multi-year project, during which time Datacom engaged with over 120 council stakeholders and participants.

The system includes workflow that assists councils in following business processes to meet deadlines, reduce exposure to financial penalties, and provide better service to their customers. IRIS also integrates with other key systems including document management and financials.

IRIS will soon be extended to include public interaction and engagement capability and mobile device/field data capture for council staff.

Currently, IRIS provides the participating councils with:

  • Continuity of supply by partnering with a proven software development company
  • Influence/control over the destiny of Regional Council sector software
  • Risk reduction through working collaboratively
  • Cost management through economies of scale
  • Improvement in business processes through standardisation of practice, and convergence towards adoption of best practice
  • Workflow assistance to manage to statutory timeframes
  • A modern technology platform
  • The ability to customise and extend the system themselves